
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Completion of Aquaculture MSc. Program at the University of Stirling

As of today, I have officially completed the MSc. program in Sustainable Aquaculture Business Management at the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling.  My dissertation manuscript on aquaculture stock mortality insurance was submitted several weeks ago, and just this week I gave a presentation and had my oral defense.  Everything went very smoothly, and now the program is officially over!

I have returned to Vancouver, British Columbia where I am currently seeking employment in the aquaculture sector.  As my adventures continue, and as new and interesting aquaculture technologies and developments come to light, I will update this blog accordingly.  Also, please feel free to comment on the articles and use this blog as a forum for the sharing of ideas and constructive discussion- only through increased communication, education, and awareness can we propagate changes towards sustainability in the global aquaculture industry.

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