
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Returning to this Blog with a Bit More Gusto…

I write this after more than 5 months without putting pen to paper (so to speak) with this blog…

A lot has changed in 5 months.  After finishing the MSc., I returned to Vancouver where I secured a position with the AquaBioTech Group, an international aquaculture and environmental consulting network based in Malta.  The company specializes in the design and construction of recirculation systems, as well as marine surveying, market intelligence, research and development, and specialist audits, including environmental and risk management.  

I set up shop in Vancouver and am currently working as an aquaculture consultant and Regional Manager Canada for ABT, occupying my time with a variety of aquaculture-related activities and ventures.  While I won’t say too much at this point, what I can say is that there are some really cool things in the works, so check back to this blog often for updates and developments.

As I come back to this blog with a bit more gusto than as of late, I wanted to take an opportunity to thank those of you who have followed the blog over the years.  I get the occasional email from someone who has stumbled across an article that interests them, and I always enjoying hearing from readers.  As those who have contacted me will attest to, I am happy to share information and point people in the direction of further resources, so do not hesitate to be in contact.

I also wanted to share with you my plans for the future development of this blog.  While I will continue to write articles about my experiences in the industry, I also intend to write more opinion pieces, discussing important (and often misunderstood!) aspects of sustainability as it relates to fish farming around the world.  Perhaps more importantly, I will work to provide context and a ‘big picture’ perspective to these issues, hopefully enough so that you are inspired to do more research and form your own opinions.  I encourage people to post comments and foster constructive dialogue that focuses on solutions, not problems.

I am already looking forward to the next piece I am going to write, and I am not even sure what the topic is yet…  

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